Funder's Forum -

Tri-County LTR Funder's Forum minutes

February 4, 2015

The Funders Forum meeting of Tri-County Long Term Recovery was called to order at 8:00 a.m. by Chairman Jim Fassino. In attendance were Darius Alemzadeh, Terry Bibo, Josh Burnett, Kristi Cape, Capt. Katherine Clausell, Mark Doebler, Fassino, Bruce Fitzgerald, Kevin Gramm, Dave Jane, Don Johnson, Roger Holzhauer, Kristy Howell, Josh Monda, Susan Katz, Jennifer M. Orban, Tom Pelger, Liz Pollack, Alyssa Pollock, John Rothfusz, Christine Serangeli, Barb Slagel, Tim Slagel, Pam Tomka, Amber Wells.

January minutes: Approved.

New members: Bruce Fitzgerald, St. Mark's Lutheran Church.

Chairman's remarks: Fassino said future meetings will include an opening for funders to make remarks. He invited Susan Katz to speak. She mentioned that the Jewish Federation could use help sorting the 11 million buttons which are on display as part of the Holocaust memorial at the Shoppes at Grand Prairie. Those interested can contact Susan at 689-0063. The project begins next week.

Cases considered: Pollack said most of the cases were straightforward, but there were a couple which required additional explanation, mostly for items which insurance did not cover. There were questions about a couple of items which were felt to be excessive. Fassino told funders it is LTR policy to present the needs and funders can make their own decision about whether or not to fund those needs.

Sixteen cases involved unmet, non-soil needs. A total of $83,152 was pledged, completely funding 15 cases. There was $47,375 remaining for one case.

Soil remediation reimbursement involved 13 cases. Washington Area Foundation, Washington Rotary and the Salvation Army pledged $1,000 apiece for each case. A total of $50,777 was pledged, completing 11 cases. There was a $7,500 balance split between the two remaining cases.

Soil remediation quotes comprised the remaining eight cases. In order, Washington Area Foundation, Washington Rotary, Salvation Army and LTR pledged up to $1,000 for each case. That may complete six of the cases, if the property owner opts for the lower cost quote.

Fassino said invoices/receipts will be required before payment on quote cases, as funders have requested.

Cases which were not completely funded may be brought back later if money is available.

Long Term Recovery Community meeting: 3 p.m. Wednesday, March 11, at LTR Center.

Funders' comments: Serangeli said she's heard good feedback about information/documentation of cases. Jane said since it's the beginning of the year his church is working on its finances. Fassino reminded everyone to let LTR know if case funding is contingent on other factors, so clients can be notified properly.

Case management comments: Pollock noted that funders are beginning to see the tough cases. They will be difficult and expensive. She said 17 cases where clients have problems with insurance have been flagged; the potential shortfalls vary from $9,000 to $50,000. As funders look to the future, they might want to keep that in mind. Pollack said it's amazing to see the help from funders, and heartening to see the response from both case managers and clients. One client, who received $250 for counseling, recently told case manager Chuck Friend it's time to pay back -- and brought hundreds of dollars worth of donated items such as blankets.

Next Funders Forum: 8 a.m. Wednesday, March 4, at LTR center.

The meeting adjourned at 8:59 a.m.