Funder's Forum -

Tri-County LTR Funder's Forum minutes

Sept. 2, 2015

The Funder's Forum meeting of Tri-County Long Term Recovery was called to order at 8:04 a.m. by Chairman Jim Fassino. In attendance were Terry Bibo, Stephanie Bina, Kathy Casey, Ben Davidson, Shelley Epstein, Fassino, Kevin Gramm, Sondra Hayes, Roger Holzhauer, Dave Jane, Matt Moehle, Josh Monda, Jennifer M. Orban, Lu Ori, Mark Roberts, Michael Swanson, Pam Tomka.

August minutes: Approved.

Chairman's remarks: Fassino said LTR's administrative costs are secure. It may take until June or July to fulfill 97 cases now in the pipeline, which means all of LTR's remaining resources are committed. Without funds for unmet needs, no more new cases will be opened and no more old cases will be reopened.

However, 1,100 cases have been completed. Almost all of them were funded in some way, so Funders should feel good about what has been accomplished.

The Steering Committee had discussed moving out of the office quickly to cut expenses. However, another organization has stepped up to underwrite office costs so LTR can stay at Sunnyland Plaza through November.

œThe last thing we want to do is give expectations that can't be met, Fassino said.

Additional funding which was provided by Washington Illinois Area Foundation is appreciated.

Cases considered:. Holzhauer pledged WIAF funds for 23 of 24 cases presented, totaling more than $50,000 and completely funding 16 of them. WIAF efforts were complemented by First Baptist Church, Connect Church, Lions Club and Salvation Army Heartland Division.

Eleven cases of reimbursement for unmet needs which did not involve soil remediation were fully funded with a total of $21,209.58. Seven cases for estimates of unmet needs which did not involve soil remediation received a total of $20,908.13, fully funding five of them.

There were three cases for soil remediation reimbursement. A total of $8,986.80 was pledged, with two cases fully funded. Three cases involved estimates for soil remediation. Funders pledged $7,050, at least partially funding all three.

Case management comments: Fassino said LTR hopes to bring all remaining cases before the Funder's Forum in the next two months.

Funders' comments: Funders shared their budgets and plans.

Dave Jane said Connect Church has a few thousand dollars left to spend, and will probably be at the Funder's table for one more month.

Moehle asked about costs to run the process if cases continue to June. Fassino said that's why Gramm has set aside LTR's resources.

Holzhauer said as long as there is a Funder's Forum, he will be here. WIAF has some funds which are protected, but will be here.

Swanson said the Salvation Army will participate through November, and may have case managers who could help.

Casey said she has been involved in four different LTRs, and money makes a big difference in how they can operate.

Bina said has St. Patrick's has some money left, but some of it may be transferred to the church's new chapter of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

Ori said he would be glad to help œif you need shingles lifted up, referring to his examination of damaged homes. Fassino said Ori's expertise has been invaluable.

Tomka said Lions Club has less than $5,000 remaining in funds dedicated to tornado relief.

Monda said First Baptist has about $8,000 to $9,000 left.

Fassino asked about prioritizing needs for the remaining cases. Jane said he feels most compelled to help those who haven't received help from other sources. Roberts noted that some people need more help than others.

Gramm said he can vouch that LTR doesn't have much money left.

Hayes said the case managers are working hard, with multiple appointments and phone calls. Cases can be quite complex and œthey put their heart and soul into it.

Fassino emphasized LTR's goal is to return people to where they were before the storms, not upgrade their homes.

œWe've tried to be good stewards of the money we're spending, he said.

Tomka asked if people would be given contact information when the doors close; Swanson said emails can be sent to the Salvation Army.

COAD: Davidson said Orban did œa great job approaching Delavan after the July storm. Delavan did not want help, which is fine, but œnow we don't know what their needs are. He said one advantage of a COAD is that it can eliminate confusing multiple meetings after a disaster because relationships would be determined in advance. Tomka said Lions International has set a priority on such advance planning, so this is œgood timing.

With time remaining, Fassino introduced case manager Chuck Friend, who thanked the Funders for helping clients.

œWithout you, it wouldn't be possible, Friend said.

With help from cycle shop owner Joe Russell, Friend has provided 548 bicycles to people affected by the 2013 tornadoes. As part of the wind-down, office furniture will be donated to not-for-profit groups. Davidson will be in charge.

Funder's Forum: 8 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 7, at LTR center.

Next Public meeting: 3 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 9, at LTR Center.

Next COAD: 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 27, at LTR Center.

The meeting adjourned at 8:43 a.m.