

Volunteer Management: The procedure for relief efforts begins with the Relief Facility designating a relief coordinator to oversee the entire effort. The relief coordinator maintains communication with the all of the key personnel below as well as with community leaders.
Phone lines and email accounts need to be established to allow affected home/business owners, and those wanting to volunteer, to contact the facility. General info for volunteers and the affected should be delivered via website and referenced via social media. Right of Entry (ROE) forms, Volunteer Reservation Forms, Team Sending Forms, Volunteer Time Sheets, and Volunteer Waiver forms need to be made. A designation needs to be made where to set up a sending table, where to house equipment and supplies, where to park vehicles, where to have volunteers gather, and where to train volunteers. A database is necessary to track homeowner needs/work completed. Proper debris removal guidelines must be followed. Meal arrangements need to be made for volunteers serving at the facility and for those who are being sent from the facility. Relief funds need to be handled, donations accepted/rejected, benevolence requests addressed, the affected cared for when coming to the facility to request assistance. (BCC made gift bags containing small gifts, gift cards, a Bible, and church info.) Scout teams need to be organized and sent, and housing for the affected and/or volunteers needs to be arranged.

Key Roles
VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR: oversees sending center assistant and database keeper, determines volunteer job assignments, is familiar with equipment/ supplies/homeowner needs, handles ordering of dumpsters, is responsible for volunteer/homeowner email correspondence, schedules sending center volunteers, trouble shoots problems, and is familiar with entire effort.

SENDING CENTER ASSISTANT: answers phone calls from homeowners and volunteers and relays info to database keeper, makes necessary calls to homeowners regarding requested assistance, helps with job assignments, updates volunteer registrations, and is responsible for getting forms signed & updated.

DATABASE KEEPER: updates database and assists with answering/making phone calls.

ORIENTATION (training) LEADER: communicates the orientation (training) presentation to volunteers, answers questions.

ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL = Supplies Organizer, Equipment Maintenance Supervisor, Parking Coordinator, Meal Coordinator, Housing/Benevolence Coordinator

As compiled by Bethany Community Church following Nov. 2013 tornado.


spiritual / emotional